The Official Site of Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

Life is a Song

Looking forward to a singing session with Malaysia's leading baritone tomorrow. Life is truly an amazing journey. Just like the musical notes, we have ups and downs, crescendos and decrescendos, fortes and diminuendos. There are also times when we have the repeat bar, to do something over and over again until the entire song of life is complete.

At some points of this musical of life, we are required to move a little faster, and there are also times when we are expected to slow down. It is these variations in life that make it truly musical and beautiful. Who wants to listen to a song with a boring single note anyway?

So, embrace every aspect of life with equanimity regardless of the difficulties and obstacles that seem to be present in your life. They are what colour your life. Just like a song, a song isn't a song without the lower notes.

Have a joyful and musical week ahead!

Love and light,


  1. Hi Genevieve! For so long I've known you, it's been like involving myself in a musical. Everything is so fast-paced and you give us a surprise from time-to-time. You're just so unpredictable unlike the musical notes on a sheet!! But then again, it's because we already know what is contained in the music sheet that we find it more predictable right?? I think playing through life is like sight-reading!! We get to play it only once during our piano examinations and that's it. No practice, nothing. But it is through practicing to be spontaneous over the many years that made us professionals.

    I'm sure you'll do fab. I've always loved listening to you sing the opera! Remember that we're all still waiting for that recording your promised us! Cheerios!!

  2. Hello. Any new update on the 10 books you're publishing this year?


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